Our Activities

Here you will find out the latest news about the LiMe Team and what they have been up to. This page will keep you up-to-date with the newest LiMe project developments.
If you have any questions about our activities, please write to us at: networks4excellence@wlv.ac.uk or emilia@leaponline.eu
- Newsletter_March_2013.pdf
- Newsletter_October_2013.pdf
- Newsletter_May_2014.pdf
- Newsletter_April_2015.pdf
Press releases
- LiMe Press Release_UK.pdf
- http://www.wlv.ac.uk/default.aspx?page=38158
- LiME Event - Invitation.pdf
- Migrants Evening poster NEW.pdf
- Press release for 1st pilot Nov 2013.doc
Contextualisation and Good Practice Report
The third meeting, tackling the piloting test for teachers, preparation for the national pilot tests and summary of actions taken and to be taken in past and future months, took place 6-9 May at ASEV institution Agenzia per lo Sviluppo Empolese Valdelsa) Empoli, Italy.
An intensive but rewarding two-day session was necessary to test the already created media resources: movie trailer, soap opera, music video, music, radio news and radio traffic. Each partner invited two language experts/teachers to test the resources in their national language or another partner language. Exhaustive and detailed questionnaires were provided to the experts in order to give feedback on the contents, activities format and platform’s structure, section and usability to ensure appropriateness and relevance to the project’s aims and objectives.
Overall Pilot Report_final.pdf
LiMe piloting workshops 2014
After the initial pilot with experts in Empoli, the project team tested the learning materials with migrant language teachers and learners in their national testing phase. This began with a workshop for language teachers which introduced them to the learning materials. This phase was followed by testing the materials in various classroom settings which provided the partners with feedback of the usefulness and relativity of the platform.
The overall turnout for the pilot was rather pleasing for the partners since they met their aim of including a total of 50 teachers and 150 learners. A total of 178 migrants with 40 different nationalities and a total of 43 teachers tested the materials with learners. A total of 67 teachers took part in the national workshops on the LiMe learning platform and the training package.
Training Package
The training package is based on the results of research and pedagogical information related to the used media in the partner countries – Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland and the United Kingdom. The content of this training package includes information on the research from the consortium, a how-to guide on how to access the learning platform, information on the CEFR levels A2, B1 and B2 which the LiMe project is aimed at, pedagogical information on media in the classroom as well as an overview of the resources. In addition to the how-to guide featured in this training package, should the user need further support, the online platform also hosts a detailed video to guide the user through the online platform.
The Training package is intended to work as a tool for the user, offering the choice of selecting the necessary section for support and guidance in using the platform and in addition it hosts a variety of user-friendly teaching guidance.
Learning Platform
Moodle LiMe Learning Platform for language teachers and for independent language learners of English* has been created based on the latest teaching methodologies. The platform comprises 12 media-based learning resources. Each resource has been adapted with a lesson plan including interactive activities for A2, B1 and B2.